Cute girl,lovely girl,sexy girl,hot girl, angry girl,beautiful girl, Innocent girl,smart girl,shy girl! God knows how many adjectives do we need to define a girl? And seriosuly no two girls are alike. We don’t use this much adjectives to define a man. I mean boys are either good boys or bad boys. But girls are complicated. Finding the right type of girl to date or to marry for a guy can be really tricky and knowing that ‘she’s the one for me‘ even trickier. Understanding the female personality traits can be frustrating for men. ‘My type of girl‘ is a myth and you just need to break the The girl code that separates between a b***h and a sweetheart! before hooking up with someone. And so here is the The ultimate guide to the world of girls which will help you understand the types of girls with whom you could actually plan your happily ever after. Well we can hope so!
Clingy girl
Super possessive, emotionally constipated,permanent furrowed eyebrows and a licence to make your life hell are their full time traits. There favourite words start with ‘Where,when,who and why!’ Calling their boyfriends or husbands every half an hour is their favourite hobby and taking their boyfriends or husbands to their own friends,family,relative or even to their dogs is their favourite sport. They are like fevicol once attached to you they will never ever leave you. Even the poor guy’s alone time in the bathroom make them uneasy. Tears are their best friends and these little things are just cuter versions of stalkers!
Only running away to another country can save you. Also let her know that she has to respect that little thing of yours called ‘Space!’
Bossy Girl
Rude, arrogant,dominating,patronising, imposed superiority and I told you so girl who would always play the boss of a guy’s personal life. Infact there’s nothing like personal once a guy hook up with them. They will start deciding the clothes of their men which will soon reach to deciding the underwear colours and finally their clutches will gain the full control of the poor guy finances along with his ATM card. He need to ask his dominating girlfriend before buying anything for his mother,sister, aunt or even himself from his own money. Such bossy girls will always tell the poor guy how miserable his unworthy life was without her! Of course it’s their delusion but they don’t like to come out of their comfort zone of saving your life through their rare presence.
Shout, Shout and Shout! And yeah never throw away the controls of your life to her clutches.
Drama Queen
Loud,sport,fun,over enthusiastic,crying,laughing and exhausting these are the traits which create one drama queen. For her every situation is super exaggerated! Your entire clan will know about her miseries and happinesses. She would be a society girl and always want people around her. Why? Because one person’s sympathy simply doesn’t justify her existence and either way excess is the mantra of her life. Normal is a silly thing and you are just a crying shoulder and a helping hand for her social endeavours. Dare you relax ever or sleep silently at the comforts of your couches. She’ll cry and cry and cry out loud till you surrender before her tantrums. The poor guy’s life would never be same again.
Don’t ever surrender! Discuss out loud about important things in life like ‘Limits.’
Abla Naari
Crying,naive,poor,claimed innocence,dependent on you which basically mean your entire day will fade away solving her problems in life. You will have no time for yourself. It will be always her mummy,her papa,her aunt,her doggy and basically her life. Everything will be done so smartly and innocently that you won’t even realise that you haven’t have time in ages to look after your problems. You will be emotionally blackmailed everyday without even realising it and one day once you realise that how much of your time,energy and money you have wasted on her it will already be too late.
Run away as soon as possible. Nothing can happen to this species and in fact these are the most dangerous type of women. Why? Because they have a mask.
Fabulous fairy
Cool,smart,happy,confident,know how to laugh,make fun of themselves and always encouraging. They are like dream come true. They are dignified,honest,capable and always ready to lend their boyfriends a helping hand. They demand space for them which actually means they respect their spouse space too.They will be working and respect your work and space. They are not too much into mummy papa thing so it might be that they don’t call your mother everyday but that also mean they will never play a villain in your life. They are just too busy dealing with their own problems and raising the level of their living. A little tom boyish which means no womanly crying and dying thing. They’ll have guts to drop any proposal several times before actually hooking up with the guy. Why? Because these confident women know their worth.
If you come across one no matter how hard it is to get her. Try and Try hard only to never let her go. And yes never try to interfere into her life! The only flaw ? Well they normally don’t exist only.
The love here in this world is only meant to elevate each other’s life. The very purpose of falling into love and finding a relationship with someone just mean to find someone who will have the spine to walk with you in your ups and down.So if you life going downhills after hooking up it’s just a signal of something/someone not right. My advice? Do plenty of dates before actually committing anything to the girl.
Here are few links you might like to read
A guide to teenage college going girls!
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