How to prepare your blog for driving thousands of traffic

Owning a blog and writing from the core of your heart is one thing and driving a good traffic and engaging the audience is another thing. Trust me it’s just not the quality of content that goes into a successful blog but also a lot of technical and marketing efforts into the blog which improves its alexa ranks and also increase the traffic rates. And you ask me what is the use of all these aspects into a blog? Well buddy it is directly related to monetisation and brand value. The companies and brands are more willing to work with the blogs which show good alexa rank and great traffic. Some blogger easily earn thousands in a month and they don’t even write regularly. Do you know why? Because they know they tool (of course their wordpress or blogger accounts) way too well than you! So here I am going to share my experience of monetisation through my blog and how I reached there within 6 months of starting my blog. We will start with the basics first.

Buy a Domain

If you are really serious about your blogging career and want to utilise your blog for commercial purposes buy a domain. I repeat buy it. It should be your first step into the world of proffesional blogging.It’s a bad practice to still work on .wordpress or extenstions. You should always own a .com or at the least .in .me extensions. The best choice is .com you can buy it from here



Make friends

As simple as it sounds it is one of the most important aspect of driving traffic to your site. You should realise that if you are a newbie and your stats are usually in hundreds and google isn’t very fond of you then the sure shot of driving traffic to your website are another bloggers. Try to follow new bloggers every day as much as you can and they will come back following you (I mean most good bloggers do it as a good practice) which directly elevates your blog traffic.


So did you ever realise that by commenting on other people’s blog you are basically leaving your back links everywhere? So you should be more happy commenting on other people’s blogs than receiving a comment.

Back links

Backlinks are the footprints of your blog Url address and it increases the chance of your recognition in the eyes of google god. Somehow google values the blogs with more back links than those with less. The sure shot of increasing your back links are to comment on other blogs. And also linking with big websites and good blogs also provide you good backlinks.

Avoid light comments

Comments like ‘beautiful’, ‘good post’, wonderful’ etc are bad practices and basically considered spam and trust me google knows it. It’s bad for the giver and receiver both. It increase the chances of listing you as spam by Google. So try to make significant comments which provide constructive input to the other blog. It eventually improves your backlinks and it’s good for receiver too.

Delete useless comments

have you ever wondered why some bloggers close their comment sections? Well, It’s easier for a search engine to show a page with up to 100 urls there. More urls than this result is late loading of the page which is seen as a bad practice by google or other search engines. And as comments means Urls so it’s better to delete the comments which don’t add value to your blog. Also try to not reply to each and every comment you receive as your own url also increases the url load of the page.

Avoid blogger nominations

Though it’s a very popular practice among blogger communities to interact and make more friends through such nominations but I usually avoid blogger awards and nominations which somehow ask me to tag or nominate more blogs on my page. For me it’s like extra 10 Url load for my page!

Perfect Title

Selecting a suitable title for your blog is as important as writing the entire blog. You should always be very very conscious about choosing a title. Rather than putting creative and unique title go for some really simple and popular titles. The best practice is to google your topic and check what are the popular titles for those topics. The ‘Top 10 list’ or ‘The ultimate guide’ always make good titles.

Social Media Handles

Twitter, facebook or Instagram can prove to be a great source of traffic for your blog post so always link your blog to be shared automatically to your social media handles through settings of your blog account.

Open a facebook page

I highly recommend it and it’s a huge source of driving traffic to your website. Not only you can easily share your blog posts there which is preferred by google but also you can use ad managers of Facebook pages to reach lakhs of people. You need to spend some money for that but it surely increases your traffic and improves your alexa rank.

Twitter Trend

If you are a blogger and you don’t have a twitter account than it is such a waste of your blogging talents. Twitter is where the viral posts are originated. You should always make it a habit to twit twice or thrice a day at least. And always share your blog post with small size pictures on twitter.

Quora Power

It’s very important for you to be active on Quora as a blogger. You can always copy paste your blog posts there and link your blog there. Also you can answer suitable questions and leave your links there for interested people to read.


Quality Post

It simply means that you should write unique contents for your website which is equally popular and trending too. Now here comes the role of your creativity and talent to drive traffic to your website.

Social bookmarking sites

You should always make it a practice to share your blog posts to such sites like Pinterest, Tumblr, Reddit etc. Even though you don’t see any traffic from there. The google God hugely prefers it. Here are the links to some book marking sites.




Directory Submission

It is very important that you submit your website Url to as many free website directories as possible. It is a very effective and affordable way to link building.  They can increase the visibility of a website in search engine results pages (SERP). Directory can be business blogs, article types. DMOZ and Yahoo Directory are valuable directories on the internet they can give you more traffic and some backlinks to your website. Here are the links to such sites.




Buy Traffic

Unless you are an ecommerce site buying traffic is a waste of money and Google is very strict about it. It may list you as blacklisted site if it finds porn sites and other paid traffic sites linked to your website.

how to increase blog traffic

Here is the other useful link

14 Tips to increase your blog traffic and stats






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