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My Dad is Your Freedom

What it takes to be free? What do Independence mean to you? A holiday? One good odd day which reminds you of our forefathers who laid down their lives for the freedom,we enjoy with full righteousness. For some independence is freedom to speak,freedom to express themselves,freedom to support enemies, freedom to criticize everything about the country, freedom to hate the men at borders freedom to be liberal and extremist at the same time and many things more. But do you know for some it is much more than that,for some they know what it takes to be free, they know there is a cost of freedom which one has to pay every day,every second. Independence day is just not a day for them but the celebration of their husbands and fathers bravery,courage,valour,gallantry,vehemence and audacity.

His dad is pride of the nation! Her husband is feared by enemies of the country!

But is it all? Or there is more of ‘Men dreaded by all?’ There is definitely more of him! Just not a warrior and protector but he is also a dad and lover. Here are a few pictures through the lens of an Army Wife herself ‘Garima Dixit’ which shows us another side of an Indian Army soldier and an Officer. Cheers to Indian Army: A life beyond extraordinary !!

Our flag does not fly because the winds move it,it flies because my dad risks his life like many of his ‘brother in Arms’ who martyred protecting it. Yes, It scares me but I am immensely proud of him too!

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My Country has my soldier but I surely have his heart that beats to my rhythms. My love and devotion gives him courage to face the worst of menace and best of enemies. He knows, I am standing tall and firm holding his back,waiting for him patiently and there goes a bullet across LOC…… An Army Wife!independence day republic day indian army soldier army wife army life independence day quotes army brat family army officer salary quotes speech freedom uniform love story

Keep your heads up my soldier, God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers. And you? Don’t ever mistake his silence for his ignorance,his calmness for his acceptance and kindness for weakness. He knows his devils well. Beware of that… Sincerely An Army Wifeindependence day republic day indian army soldier army wife army life independence day quotes army brat family army officer salary quotes speech freedom uniform love story

Pictures don’t depict, even half of how I feel when he goes away,waving me goodbye,throwing me high only to catch me later one last time with the promises of coming back soon. I cry but you know I wipe my tears all by myself when I see Mom still strong doing everything Dad was supposed to do for me smilingly…yet her eyes are always swollen with the tears she has every dad papa life garima dixit independence day republic day indian army soldier army wife army life independence day quotes army brat family army officer salary quotes speech freedom uniform love story

My friends asked me why did not my father come when I was sick and when I won that prize. I replied “because he has a mother who needed him more than I do!! Period! An Army Bratlove dad papa life garima dixit independence day republic day indian army soldier army wife army life independence day quotes army brat family army officer salary quotes speech freedom uniform love story

He comes and goes….meanwhile I along with thousands like me wait in between only to grow up almost without him. Can you imagine a childhood of waiting?Indian Army pictures HD quality quotes best pictures beautiful image love dad papa life garima dixit independence day republic day indian army soldier army wife army life independence day quotes army brat family army officer salary quotes speech freedom uniform love story

For world he is a soldier,warrior,protector,idol,inspiration and sometimes just a martyr but for us he is our whole universe and we fear every second when our dad,Dadi’s son and mom’s better half is there in jungles or may be on mountains and worst of terrains and ridges doing… just his duty! Indian Army pictures HD quality quotes best pictures beautiful image love dad papa life garima dixit independence day republic day indian army soldier army wife army life  independence day quotes  army brat family army officer salary quotes speech freedom uniform love story

Men in Uniform are often described as serious,strict,firm and dangerous but I would describe him as sweetest,most gentle and most loving person that every woman wish to have. My friend,my confidante,my hero,my soldier, the love of my life and the one who loves with all his heart!Indian Army pictures HD quality quotes best pictures beautiful image love dad papa life garima dixit independence day republic day indian army soldier army wife army life independence day quotes army brat family army officer salary quotes speech freedom uniform love story

Dear Soldier

Deep down in Your heart,never forget that you served best country in the world,learned many transferable lessons,fought toughest of battles and were part of an unselfish team of heroes that makes the business world possible. You don’t need someone in the workplace to validate your experience,validate it for yourself and rather use that force to drive you to do great things which you are born and bound to do.

With Love,

Family of a soldier

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Confessions of Indian Army Wives

DIY Home Decor Ideas by an Army Wife That Are Sure to Add Style to Your Home

What do girls say about handsome Indian Army Officers?

Saga of an Indian Army Officer life

Army Girlfriend and the story of her life

These beautiful pictures displaying every emotion of a soldier and his family is clicked by Mrs Garima Dixit who had been an IT professional till she has to leave it courtesy to the nomadic life of an Army wife. She suffered from serious Postpartum Depression post giving birth to her daughter but her never give up spirits kept her afloat during tough times only to come up with something brilliant through Photography. She loves clicking her daughter and other kids only to make us for the lost moments during the early days of her daughter’s birth. She says “Photography is not just my passion, its Life for me. My day starts with thinking how to creatively add colours to this mundane life and what exciting can I capture today. I have always been a creative soul so photography is just an extension of my persona and soul.”

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