Love is a powerful feeling, in fact, the most powerful emotion that exists on this planet and universe otherwise. Love has the power to strengthen and create. It has the power to build and boost a living being and that is why it feels amazing to be in love. We feel on cloud 9, jumping hoping and flying in the crystal clear skies with rainbows around. If the person we are in love with has equal admiration for us I say this is a lucky thing to have for anyone. A power that one holds because that one person could give them the fulfilment of a lifetime in a moment, acknowledgement, admiration and a sense of wholeness and exactly because of this reason why it feels like death when that someone special breaks your heart. He or she goes away with everything nice that they bestowed on you by their mere presence. With the feeling of admiration, acknowledgement and wholeness gone, loathing, resentment and helplessness takes place in one’s heart which is one of the most powerful and dynamic center of anyone’s being. And there… it feels like death. So, what does one do? Not fall in love at all or move on but how…. continue reading the article if you are looking for answers
Fall in Love but Love yourself first
It is important to love yourself first before you love anyone else. Until and unless you are not in love with yourself and dont possess a sense of acceptance, admiration and wholeness in your being you will have difficulty dealing with the other person.
Allow space in relationships
Khalil Gibran has emphasised the importance of space in love which acts as oxygen in any relationship. Relationships are not about clinging to each other or suffocating the other person with too much of your presence but being the air in which they could float freely towards their destinations with your loving air beneath their wings. That love grows and sustains.
Be respectful of the other person’s being
Respect is of utmost importance between two people in a relationship. If you dont have it in your heart to respect the other person why is the meaning of love between two people at all? Love, care, nurture and respect are natural byproducts of a loving relationship. If the other person is disrespectful towards your being and requirements that should be your biggest red flag in a relationship.
Understand and Forgive
Sometimes understanding and forgiving things which were committed out of sheer ignorance and not intent is the way to move forward with a person whom you value the most. Your instinct and haunch will state clearly the intent of the person who committed something you did not like. Your heart will tell you the right thing You need to listen to it carefully and move accordingly if the person is too precious for you and you are assured he or she will not commit the same mistake twice.
Grieve and heal
Grieving and healing are two important aspects of love. Not every relationship will be successful not every relationship will give you a sense of fulfilment but every relationship will help you grow as a person in pursuit of better things and people. You must accept heartbreaks and grieve as much as is needed by you, it is also important to go through the period of healing and embrace these phases in totality without any regret or grudge. If you have not undergone these two phases, chances are you will never be successful in establishing a successful partnership with your spouse or the person who matters to you.
There is only one way to break up
There is only one way to break up i.e. ‘things did not work out between us and it is over for good now.’ There is no point holding onto that person through feelings of hate, grudges or anger. In an attempt to bring him down you basically bring yourself down and be stuck in the vicious circle of pain and suffering even after the other person is gone and happily settled. Any emotion any thought invested is power given to your lover (turned foe) you better use that emotion on you and your growth allowing space and conditions for better people to arrive in your life at a better time.
At the end, I would like to say ‘Always keep your faith over fear’ Have faith in the divine design that everything that this universe has conspired has conspired in your favour even if you dont feel and understand it right now.
Love and spread love! DOnt be the person you hated!
Be the best version of yourself no matter what!
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