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Most Interesting masks used by common people during Covid-19

Now that people have accepted the Covid-19 in their lives and understand the pandemic is not going away for a long time, the great human spirits of survival and hope can be seen through the interesting masks common people are wearing all around the globe. Many Fashion companies have also started producing branded masks considering the fact the masks are going to stay in demand for a long time and what better than providing brandoholic people with their addiction with matching masks. Many DIY experts have also tried their hands and have come up with most interesting ideas of mask making and pushed people to widen their eyes on their creativity which even justifies pandemic times. Ladies have been seen wearing colorful blingy and beautiful masks during wedding parties and if you think you will manage with with your simple N95 masks you are utterly mistaken. The mask conundrum is for real. To clarify our stance we present before you some of the most interesting masks used by common people all around the globe.

A mask with powers to scare not just the Corona Virus but also people

An evil laugher mask perfect to haunt your dreams

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What do you think of it.. A panty on the of mistaken identity?

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Talking about panties mask how about a mask with bra feel? Fashion feminism whatsoever….. A mask which is certainly capable of rolling eyeballs.

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Female favourite? Well look at it they can easily show off the lipstick shades you have along with your pretty smile.

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Talking about smiles through your mask at times when pandemic has really hit hard this mask will certainly made people to smile and spread some cheer in the air. Thinking of grabbing one ?

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Some people just can not stop being fashionable and blingy. One thing is clear their arrival at a party will seek for attention even at the time of social distancing.

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Well ask Nutella lovers… Nutella is just not chocolate but a feeling

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Eco friendly, Cheap, sustainable fashion or simply weird ??

weird masks interesting masks during corona pandemic COVID 19 world india mask fashion people new design beautiful