Sneakers are the perfect addition to any outfit. They never go out of style and offer a cool combination of fashion and comfort. No wonder sneakers are one of the most popular shoes of all times. Sequenced, sparkled, golden, silver or simply white there is no dearth of colour and vibes you derive out of your cool pair of sneakers. They are versatle too gone are the days when sneakers were only meant to be worn with denim jeans or tshirt these days women can be seen adorning sneakers even with an attire like saree. Sneakers have also replaced boots with skirt for a wide section of fashion shavy gen X who believe in comfort comes first and fashion means express yourself. To own a pair of cool sneakers is a fashion must do and here we will tell you some latest cool ways on how to wear sneakers the cool way.
The Boho Way
Boho vibes are liberating, they are fun and magical. puff sleeve dress and bohemian sneakers have soul of their own. They revive the Boho fashion to another dimension. No more fashion of hippies or boho chic flower girls but the tines are universal now. All you need to do is to find right pair of sneakers for that perfect bohemian dress of yours looking for its way out of your wardrobe.

Athleisure Way
Sweat it out without the workout is the key. Athleisure fashion and sneakers are soulmates. one can not do without the others. These hybrid clothing style is popular for its comfort factor along with being high on style quotient exactly how we define sneakers among shoes. Team them up together you can never go wrong with them.

Intimate date night way
No matter how weird it sound to you clubbing sneakers and a date night in fashionable gowns this is new lit. It is the fashion for Gen Z. you express yourself in the most sensuous manner without even reducing your space in fashion. fun and frivolous, sexy and cool are the vibes you dive in when you team them up and look effortlessly sexy. These days Cinderella does not wear glass shoes anymore rather powerful sneakers as a way to express her modern strong self who does not require a prince.

Ankara Way
We talk sneakers and ways to team it up with trendy dresses and does not mention Ankara fashion would be unfair to the shoes. Sneakers are a great way to brighten up the already shining flirty flowery colourful Ankara dresses. Sneakers simply make these African outfits look supercool becuase it was only sometime back when Ankara dresses with their origin from Africa were not fad like they are today then Ankara dresses were supposed to be worn with rather formal shoes but as I said we are exploring here modern latest trends of teaming up sneakers with fun dresses in that perspective the Ankara dresses with sneakers get a huge standing ovation.

#WFH Fashion Way
Before you freak out about this new fashion let me tell you WFH fashion is nothing but the fashionable way of calling out Work From Home Fashion. Many professional who has been working from home during the tough times emphasize on dressing up properly for their morning routine. For most, changing out of pyjamas is helpful in getting into a productive mindset and not feeling like a complete slob. Sneakers certainly add to the whole vibe of working from home in a fashional way without imposing too much as outsiders. they are fun, cool and most homely pair of shoes that can compete with slippers at home.

Hope you will certainly try some of these ideas and feel super confident. Sneakers are no more old boring pair of shoes which you only took out for running or for hitting the gym rather sneakers are new style statement rather a medium to express yourself. team them up wisely and nicely.
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