2commadant iqbal ahmed 45th CRPF battalion dg disc chetan cheeta terrorist attack hajin kashmir sunbal

A CRPF Commandant who woke up for sehri instead picked up gun and foiled a terror attack

The ethos and values of Indian armed forces are based on the belief that national unity and brotherhood is more important than individual religion. Once a person adorns uniform he is a soldier first and an individual with distinct religious identity later. Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christians,Jain, Parsis they not only serve together but also live together. All Soldiers in vivid uniforms representing vivid arms and forces are bands of brothers together and keep faith in each other,even with their lives. I am going to tell you an incident where the religious decorum and protocols did not matter before the safety of the brothers in arms.

In 2017, a fidayeen attack suspected by LeT terrorist group was attempted on Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) camp at Sunbal in the Bandipore area of North Kashmir. The plan was to slaughter the sleeping soldiers and cause massive damage at the dawn before the morning activities stir in the CRPF Camp. This had been common technique of terrorists in recent years and they had mostly been successful attempting such attacks on unsuspecting sleepy soldiers at wee hours.

URI Attacks in Jammu and Kashmir

Commandant Iqbal Ahmad had recently taken over command of 45th CRPF battalion after his predecessor Chetan Cheeta got critically injured by nine bullet wounds by 30 rounds of fire during a militant attack on 14th February 2017 at Hajin Bandipora. The brave 45 year old officer slipped into a coma but miraculously survived later. Commandant Iqbal Ahmed, originally from Allahabad had always been an officer with a reputable service record. He joined CRPF in 1997 after completing his MA from Allahabad University and he was completely aware of the constant dangers lurking around in the area. Kashmir was not an alien land to him, Anantnag district was in fact his first posting when he had been part of many anti terrorist operations. Apart from several Kashmir postings he had also served in Nagaland, Tripura and was even deployed in riot-hit areas of Gujarat in 2002. He knew he had huge shoes to fill in.

commadant iqbal ahmed 45th CRPF battalion dg disc chetan cheeta terrorist attack hajin kashmir sunbal

On 5th June 2017 he had got up early in the morning for his Sehri which is the customary pre dawn meal in preparation for a long day of fasting during the Holy Ramadan Month. It was exactly when wireless crackled ominously. There was a fidayeen attack at Sunbal CRPF Camp. Sheri was forgotten and he picked up his assault rifles,timely alerted others and rushed to the camp where the Fidayeen attack was going on. He remained there till all the 4 terrorists had been killed. The security personnel learnt about the terrorist presence by the loud and consistent barks of the street dogs fed regularly by the CRPF personnel of the particular camp. The loud barks alerted them of terrorists hiding nearby. They fired up illuminator which confirmed their doubts about terrorists and they could immediately send call for back up when Commandant Iqbal Ahmed received it and rushed immediately who had risen early at wee hours because of the Sehri.

The quick response and immediate reinforcement to deal with the terrorists foiled the attack which could have not only have taken many lives but also destroyed families,orphaned children and widowed the women.

He was later awarded with DG disc for bravery.The DG disc is awarded to the troops for their excellent services and carrying out special operations involving life risk and danger.

While many people with invested motives and media houses with agendas  tries their best to communalise the forces and nation. These are heroes from all religions who bleed to sustain the sovereignty of our great nation called India.

Jai Hind.

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Last year on 26 April 2019 Lt Cdr Dharmendra Singh Chauhan sacrificed his life in a fire accident at Indian Navy's flagship INS Vikramaditya. He could have easily saved his life by scooting away from engine room where the accident had happened but instead he chose to go back and save 1400 other lives. Karuna got married to him just 1.5 month before the unfortunate incident. She had only spent 15 days with him. It was heartbreaking. The day she received the news she kept praying to God 'you have snatched away my father, my grandfather but please dont snatch him away. I can fight the world but I need him.I will be all alone." But god did not answer her prayers. She googled how martyrs wives cope up with their grief but nothing helped. Today she puts bindi, uses sindoor and also kept Karwa chauth. When I asked her Why? She said" I am wife of a martyr and we all have to die one day but how many people die serving the nation?How many gets to be wrapped in Tiranaga? I have accepted the fact there won't be any physical presence of him but I still feel him around me. He loved bindi on my forehead. He always complimented me how pretty I look. Today I do everything he liked. I even kept Karwa Chauth so that he be in peace wherever he is. I asked my mother in law if I am right she said we should absolutely do things he liked about us. Me and Ma hardly ever cry because we know he will not like it but sometimes if I miss him too much I cry secretively and say sorry to him later. Ma also does the same. During our courtship period I asked him 'Karuna or Vikramaditya?' He took 10 sec pause before saying he cant compare us. Today I am proud he did not choose me but yes now I know the answer who he loved the most. " Some people leave you speech less from the sheer simplicity of the courage they hold in their hearts. Karuna and her mother in law are two such women. I feel they epitomise Indian women. Do read their story FOLLOW LINK IN BIO Their wedding pictures will break your heart in 1000pieces. She was supposed to be a newly wed & spend her first Karwa chauth with her husband but it could not be because nation needed his sacrifice. #Indiannavy #insvikramaditya #martyr

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