nature coronavirus,pandemic,epidemic, disease,sickness, humankind, world planet how to why when

5 things Coronavirus has taught us which nuclear weapons could not

Now that Coronavirus pandemic has crippled the pace of the world and limited the fancies of humankind and gripped its spirit of being the invincible race,it is time that we ponder upon our conduct as individuals than as species,race,states,religions or nations. The greatest strength of human kind has been its ability to form clusters and use the power of that cluster for its own agenda but the moment we disintegrate from that cluster,lose our identity,name and alignment we dissolve into one meek unit. True,it wont allow us to be the rulers of this planet but it certainly will allow us an opportunity to be with one with the nature. The miniscule of all the creatures ‘The Virus’ had taught us what world’s most powerful weapons and nuclear arsenals could not. Here are five things Coronavirus had propagated all over the world…so simply.


Today the most important people of this planet are health care service providers,cleaners,washers,shopkeepers than politicians,bureaucrats or businessmen (the people who controlled everything around) The world’s most powerful countries are fighting their worst in form of this epidemic while the countries dealing with famine,drought or poverty mocked as ‘third world’ are at much better positions, Be it African countries or India. The Coronavirus has simply taught our kind how humility is one true virtue and how vanity  could be dangerous.

coronavirus,pandemic,epidemic, disease,sickness, humankind, world planet how to why when


We coexist with other forms of life on this planet but we never truly respected the other forms of lives thinking we are better,stronger and powerful. irony today is that the humankind all over the world is dealing with a disease acquired through other forms of life,in this case a bat and a snake are the suspected propagator. Had we shown more respect towards other species and respected rules of the nature more perhaps such situation had never arise. nature coronavirus,pandemic,epidemic, disease,sickness, humankind, world planet how to why when


Now that globalisation which has been called as one true pioneer of prosperity had been limited, people are returning to their native places and are being asked to quarantined, simplicity is arising as one true form of human luxury. The apps which offered instant food are being avoided,the online shopping is vanishing, the transport system is facing less burden,the work has haken the backseat and designated people who looked really important like bollywood celebrities or entertainers and more including all of us are spending more time with their families. This joy is truly welcoming. nature coronavirus,pandemic,epidemic, disease,sickness, humankind, world planet how to why when


We erected monuments,hotels,created places with recreation but what is truly beautiful is ‘Dolphins returning to Italy coasts due to missing crew ships,  swans are swimming in Italy canals which used to be filled with tourists and gondolas,geese walking freely in Riyadh and more. We humans have encroached on the space of other living being,killed species,polluted oceans,cut forests, overused earth resources and more. It is a grim reminder of how we have taken over the earth. Let this Coronavirus crisis leave us with a lesson in coexistence before the nature ‘the one almighty true powerful god’ wipe out our existence in one final stroke. Even the dinosaurs were extinct that way. Learn to coexist.nature coronavirus,pandemic,epidemic, disease,sickness, humankind, world planet how to why when


Even at the most grim hours of fear,despair and tension the humankind has not lost hope. The doctors and nurses are working overtime risking their own life in hope of treating others,the scientist are working day and night to find the cure and us as one people are hoping ‘this too shall pass.’ The hope is one true miracle which sustain us as species and we believe we will overcome this as well.nature coronavirus,pandemic,epidemic, disease,sickness, humankind, world planet how to why when

Even though these feelings always lingered around in the hearts of most enlightened one, no one can deny the bad conduct of us when we simply believed in our invincibility. Hope we will overcome the coronavirus crisis soon and emerge to be more prudent species and learn from the mistakes we have made. I also appeal to all of you to wash your hands,maintain basic sanitation around you,emphasise on work from home, use masks at public places. self quarantine if you have even an iota of doubt about you catching the infection