Military relationships are not only different from usual relationships but also extraordinary. Military relationship is just not about commitments and promises but also about duty and nation. It is not only one person serving the motherland but military couples serve the country together in their own way. There is a reason why Army Wives are known as ‘Silent Ranks.’ It is their inspiration and support that our Armed Forces stand proud and tall at the borders,safeguarding us day and night,leaving their own families behind. Where else do you find this beautiful blend of love,peace and patriotism.
A soldier gives away his today for nation’s tomorrow and his better half looks after everything he has left behind,including his heart. Military relationships stands on the testimony of time and tide.
Here are five things we all can learn from military relationships and imbibe into our lives for a better version of us. After all a soldier is just not about guns and boots but also about attitude and chivalry. If you can not be a gentleman you can not be an Officer,even in academy they have a whole curriculum on personality development and cadets are actually called as GC ‘Gentleman Cadet’. Here we go!
Any relationship demands patience but in military relationship patience is of utmost importance. There can be times when the Army Girlfriend or Army wife does not receive a single phone call from their soldier,yet they keep patience and lead their lives with utmost zeal and zest. There can be never ending working hours and you can have a long pending coffee date but duty comes first and foremost and military couples put duty first always.
The patience teaches you to believe in the relationship and wait for it.
Military relationships thrive on long distance,most part of the marriage or a relationship between the military couple is spent away from each other. Separation is the ultimate truth of Army Love Stories and Army couples teach us how two people can always be separated yet love each other truly,madly and deeply. It comes out of trust,because they trust not only each other but also the power of their relationship.
We all should learn to trust our dreams,our goals and our relationships which can bring forward the best of us.
What makes Army love stories special is Army couples tremendous believe in better future, a better world. This feeling is generated out of hope because he hopes to reunite with his loved ones and his spouse hope the same. The tremendous belief in hope even during worst of situation have powers to move mountains and it makes military couple truly special.
We should learn to make hope our constant companion even when results are not as we expected.
No matter what difficulty or extraordinary situation a soldier faces he fights against it with all his valour but do you know it is just not the soldier but also his wife who fights her own battles with even more bravery? She not only leads every day with ease and panache when his soldier might be serving in Rashtriya Rifles or Siachen or any forward posts without fearing the worst but she is also the one to take forward everything his soldier leaves behind when he sacrifice his life for the nation. Do you know any other example of valour more than this?
We can learn to fight against all the odds no matter what the situation is.
LOVE is the strongest feeling that survives this planet,it is also one of the positive feeling that motivates a soldier or even a cadet who might be training hard in the academy to become an officer and a gentleman one day. A soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him but because he loves what is behind him. The love for his nation,the love for the people,the love for his family and the love for that special someone who inspires him every moment. The same goes for the military wife who loves her soldier and also her nation that she do not even hesitate to sacrifice his own identity,career and even personal life.
We can learn to hold love as a primary feeling and put all our heart into things we aspire for.
At the end of the day hope you understand how special Army couples are and how differently they lead their lives. A beautiful amalgamation of love,romance,joy,jubilation,pain,separation and sacrifices. This creates extraordinary love stories to inspire today’s youth and teach them true values.
If you want to know more about such extraordinary relationships you can read my latest book ‘Love Story of a Commando’ story of Captain Virat and Riya, which is one of the rare Indian military fiction available in market. Find on Amazon.
Swapnil Pandey
- Author of two hit military fictions ‘SOLDIER’S GIRL and LOVE STORY OF A COMMANDO
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