Given the enormous quantity of manuscripts that float around and the number of commercial fiction that flood the Indian book market,it gets tough for an individual to be published. Though these days self publishing is also not a bad idea,considering the success of Vineet Bajpai of Hadappa series whose books have recently been adopted for screen adaptation by Reliance Entertainment. Infact, I also self published my book Love Story of a Commando just a month back which are now acquired by one of the top international publishing houses and Amazon entity Westland publishers,which if you ask me is truly a dream come true,this happened when I already had offers from three other major publishing houses. I know this whole publishing industry can be a crazy experience for the first time authors,an industry that moves at snail speed and demands loads of patience,especially when they are fresh authors. I have already written two very useful articles on how to get published,please browse over the blog and here I share a quick guide to get published by Indian authors.
Hire an editor
It is very important for you to hire an editor,if you are serious about book publishing, they charge a gold but that is the least price you pay for the shortcut to name and fame. Remember you hardly ever write for money. Your thousands of words manuscript demands an expert touch and also opinion, to be polished enough to register its presence during submission phase.
Register your online presence
There is a reason for Modi ji to Rahul Gandhi to Virat Kohli to entire bollywood industry being online. Social media today provides you an instant platform to reach thousands of people but you must showcase the true side of you. All popular authors (even if they never mention it) are on social media to promote their books,you will find them everywhere from Facebook to Instagram to Twitter for a reason.
Write regularly
Writing regularly is as basic as breathing for a writer. Write everywhere from weekly columns to magazines to blogs and to where not. It not only enhances your writing capacities but also build an audience base for you,who will love to read you in paperback as well. It helped me tremendously through my writing endeavors. My blog audiences proved my biggest strength.
Be polite
Yes, never ever I repeat never ever nag the editors or publishers. One simple query,one request is more than enough and if they are not answering you chances are they are not interested in you. Don’t push them and swipe off your chances to be published ever.
Have patience
Patience is the key my dear. Yes,it is one of the most important factor to push you towards your goal of being published. You have to understand that publishing industry is a slow industry,it takes its own sweet little time. Even editing a simple fifty thousand words manuscript might take months,you can not rush things here.
Be constructive
Best way is to send the query along with manuscript to the publishing houses and forget about it.Follow up at least after fifteen days. Meanwhile you build a niche around your manuscript,prove to be a brand publishing houses can trust upon with the sale.
Hire a literary agent
Hiring a literary agent ensure better pitching of your manuscript before the publishers but hiring them is tougher than getting published by the actual publishing houses. They are very choosy and they have no option as well,because they are just the middle men,there is not much they can do here. Also you should know literary agents asking money are scam.
Self publish
I suggest you opt for self publishing if traditional publishing is getting onto your nerves but beware of notion press or partridge sort of scam,they not only charge gold but also ask for a share in royality. They will be very quick and persuasive in their approach but never fall in that trap. If you have to be self published, do it for cheap,find local publishers,it not only guarantees your full control over your own manuscript but also full royality.
Be consistent
Writing does not happen fortnightly, if you are serious about your writing career,take a step towards your writing goals everyday. Be it writing,building your brand,engaging with your audiences or anything similar but you can not give up ever and need to be consistent.
Write a story that promises sale
You need to understand,your story might be dear to you but what matters to editors is a story that promises sale. Publishing houses don’t bother about how inspiring your life has been or how close it is to your heart if they find a story which they think will sell,they will surely publish you. You need to present a manuscript that promises sale. Make sure to mention your marketing plans in your cover letter and query when you submit your manuscript to the publishing houses.
This is a quick guide and hope it heals some of the wandering souls in pursuit of getting published and also satisfy the curious people who ping me regularly with questions like how to get published in India‘ I wish you all the best and I hope you write for yourself first before for the world. Believe in yourself. Here, I also give you a glimpse of my much loved Army fictions. SOldier’s girl and Love Story of a Commando which is currently out of stock till the Westland guys completes its printing process. Book should be available by end of June or first week of july most probably.
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