couple goal husband wife bride groom advise married marriage love relationship

10 Things all married couple in love should know

Marriage is just not about union of two people or families but also an institution. And just like any institution it requires lot of maintenance,renovation,vision and affection. You always need to nurture this relationship of yours with utmost love,care and affection…daily. ‘You reap what you sow’ 

How do married couple in love look like? Well,just like any other couple who might fight regularly,disrespecting each other spaces. Married couple in love just share a chemistry full of understanding and forgiveness. Here are the fresh list of couple goals all married couple in love should achieve together.

Respect the Space

No matter how much love you guys hold between you too and how much indulgence you need everyday, every individual need his space. Work towards providing your spouse his or her exclusive ‘me time’ everyday. Even if he insist he does not need any! Don’t be a preachy spouse, just let him be and it will reinvent the happiness you guys ever had.marriage,relationship,couple goal,love husband wife bride groom married advise things best relationship strong bond

Laugh more often

You as couple are bound to witness life’s ups and downs together.There would be times when you feel like giving up and don’t find a way out. laugh it off together. Hold a promise together to laugh together during the most difficult situation life has to offer to you and you will see the power it holds to rejuvenate your bond.marriage,relationship,couple goal,love husband wife bride groom married advise things best relationship strong bond

Allow the individuality

Marriages are not about changing a person but accepting the different individualities  without judging and move on together at the same pace.  And it is totally possible in  a Relationship. There are always two ways of doing a single thing and you guys can strategize to achieve the common goal without pushing someone to go beyond their individual nature.marriage,relationship,couple goal,love husband wife bride groom married advise things best relationship strong bond

Forgive and forget

Even when you guys are deeply in love,there might come a point when you might be disappointed in each other. Forgiveness comes easily for people in love but what matters is to forget it. We are human and bound to do stupidities but what matters is you have found the person you love and it is all that matters in the end.marriage,relationship,couple goal,love husband wife bride groom married advise things best relationship strong bond

Marriage will cost you

Being in love and  married comes with loads of responsibilities as well. There would be unwanted relatives,kids,chaos and what not because of your spouse. You might not get time for yourself and not be able to pursue your hobbies and things which you did often but it not only comes with the package called marriage but also important to push you to grow more and reach new heights. Life is nothing but dynamic and so should you be.

Accept the new life with so much happiness in the heart. take the challenge and move forward,because you love and people in love never lose.

Walk together

Try to pursue one common activity together daily. Make it a habit and part of your life. But as much as it does not fall under the boundaries of clingyness,never try to be a clingy and possessive couple. It could be walking,playing,painting,reading,exercising or anything both of you like. It is important to find time for your relationship everyday. It will help you love and learn more about each other.marriage,relationship,couple goal,love husband wife bride groom married advise things best relationship strong bond

Encourage more

Never ever discourage your spouse to discover new horizons or explore more. believe in his or her capabilities. Redundancy has powers to snatch upon the individual characteristic of your spouse which you love so much. Growing and evolving is nature of this universe. Encourage them to pursue a life outside the boundaries of domestic life. Encourage her in job,encourage him for his hobby,encourage her to pursue her passion,travel and more. It is always fetching for your relationship.marriage,relationship,couple goal,love husband wife bride groom married advise things best relationship strong bond

Don’t allow third person between both of you

Judge your spouse but on your own terms. Never allow the third person in your marriage. Be it kid,your parents,siblings,Friends or relatives. You have to see him or her through your own eyes. Disconnect with the person who bickers about your spouse on daily basis. In-fact don’t discuss your spouse with the third person,if you guys are in love you will always have magnanimity to accept each others faults. Trust is the key to love. You have to trust your partner.marriage,relationship,couple goal,love husband wife bride groom married advise things best relationship strong bond


Plan an exclusive date

You are married and in LOVE . What can be better than this! Both of you work so hard and manage so many things everyday. This understanding and similar paces itself are amazing. You must plan a date at-least once a month where no third person should be allowed,even your kids. Remember it is your relationship which is the root cause of everything beautiful and moving in your life. Value it above everything else.marriage,relationship,couple goal,love husband wife bride groom married advise things best relationship strong bond

Don’t judge parenting styles

If you have kids sometimes you might not like each others parenting styles but never be vocal about it before your kids. If the spouse is seriously wrong while dealing with the kids and you honestly feel so,sort it out and talk it out in private. But allow them to be the parents that they want to be.marriage,relationship,couple goal,love husband wife bride groom married advise things best relationship strong bond

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