Traditionally Halloween food is based on all that leftover pumpkin flesh. There are many delicious pumpkin recipes in the world but brownies and giant size candies have also been all time favourite amongst Nocturnal tricksters. Though there are some frightful dishes which will remind you of Halloween even if it is not around the corner. These dishes are spookiest of all the dishes and are fully capable of frightening your taste buds and run in trepidation. We also warn you not to use these dishes for your Halloween Party else guests are sure to never turn up for your next Halloween party. The list of these Halloween dishes are just our homage to one of the most hated foods for most of the population across the planet.
Eggs and Ketchup
Ketchup is the eternal soulmate to the Indian fridges and the best friend of most Indian dishes be it samosa or a sumptuous bread pakora but many of the good folks truly hate ketchup when it is served along with eggs or scrambled eggs. I mean who eats it. You decide scary red or yummy red?
Karela Curry
Karela is perhaps one unanimous vegetable which is passionately hated by most families especially kids. I don’t remember a single child I have personally come across who loves Karela to eat. Though there are ardent devotees mostly like elderly people suffering from diabetes belonging to Karela cult who might feel bitter about this but Karela curry can surely compete with one of the spookiest dish Around The World.
Elaichi in Biryani
Accept it how many of you have truly hated the moment when an elaichi out of nowhere coyly got crushed under your unsuspecting teeth while your senses were seeking nirvana in the spoonful of heavenly Biryani. tell me if you dont find it creepy and spooky. If you want to give Indian twist to your Halloween menu I insist on inclusion of Biryani full of elaichi. Now that is evil.
College hostel Food
How many of you still get nightmares of burnt toasts, watery daal and stone embellished rice and rock like rotis that even pets cant eat but you had to eat in your college mess? If that is not one of the most frightening foods that will put finickiest of all the kids into back foot and they would merrily agree to eat ‘ghar ka khana.’
Sweet Sambhar
is that even a thing Sweet Sambhar? Sambhar is famous for tingling the taste buds with its sweet and sour full of tamarind wala taste and proving to be the loyalest companion of many south Indian dishes including Dosa and Idlee. But the same sambhar when turns sweet is (un) famous to give many south Indian sleepless nights.
Before your hunger dies thousand death today and you lose your appetite completely I put down my pen and end this post here which is enough to feel thankful of Halloween parties which don’t believe in serving truly frightening food but if you need a help there please feel free to include some of the Halloween dishes from he list.
Till then HAPPY Halloween
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